So here is the drawing that I based the Cernunnos Resting Ukiyo A print on. I talk about the design a little more over at
Category: Classical Mythology

This picture and name are a great example of my creepy dad joke love. It’s the worst of puns, and has just enough suggestion…ok it

The Goatman
Pen and Ink 9×12 on 140 lb wc paper. This is an idea as old as man. If you ever see a big buck goat

What ifs of legends, lore, and the like.
This one came about as the result of a drawloween type thing a few years ago. I don’t recall the prompt, but I its not

During the pandemic I was doing a lot of drawings and frequently asked for cues from people to have a subject. On this day, someone

The Goatman
Pen and Ink 9×12 on 140 lb watercolor paper. Sometimes when I draw monsters and other creatures its just letting my imagination go. Other times

Pan’s Dance
For all of us heathens, hedonists, and other hellbound creatures; Pan or other depictions of the horned God (s) are always fun. This is especially

The Dead Rise
9×12 Brush Pen on paper This drawing was one I did for one of the halloween drawing prompt social media things. Titled The Dead Rise,