This 18×12 pen and ink drawing of Bigfoot abducting a woman was a lot of fun to draw. When you sit down to a big
Category: Cryptids
This pen and ink is 9×12 and was a great deal of fun drawing. One day soo, this and many many more of my prints
When considering poses, I was caught in a cycle of pop culture from my own era. During that time, one of the more famous was
Alabama White Thang
9×12 pen and ink Here is another of my cryptid drawings. This one is of a creature specific to the deep south of the USA.
The Goatman
Pen and Ink 9×12 on 140 lb wc paper. This is an idea as old as man. If you ever see a big buck goat
Army of Little Green Men 10: Booty Pose is its proper name. But the sentiment is the same. Have you ever witnessed a Grey alien
#9 in the Army of Little Green Men Collection by StepBastard shows that just like us, Zeta Reticulans suffer from a little bit of hero
Getting to know the Greys through interviews and cultural exchanges in order to ensure that they were well represented in the Army of Little Green
Army of Little Green Men #6 is an All American Attitude edition. This Zeta Reticulan is flipping the bird, with both hands. There isn’t much