Here is a pen and ink I did a while back of the Hopkinsville Goblins. It is 9×12 and done with fineliners on 140 lb watercolor paper.
They are a really fun cryptid in that they really irritate the serious hunters. They aren’t cryptids, they are aliens. They aren’t aliens, they are animals. They aren’t animals, they are spirits. It is quite a hoot.
If you dont know what the Hopkinsville Aliens are, here is a quick run down.
Hopkinsville Goblin Incident: Abridged Report
Incident Overview
- Date: August 21-22, 1955
- Location: Kelly, Kentucky, near Hopkinsville
- Witnesses: Sutton family and guests (11 total)
- Description: Witnesses reported small, humanoid beings with glowing yellow eyes, spindly limbs, and silvery, metallic-like skin. A UFO was seen landing in a nearby gully before the beings approached the farmhouse.
Key Details
- Initial Sighting:
- Billy Ray Taylor observed a luminous object streaking across the sky and landing in a gully near the property.
- Creature Encounter:
- Beings described as approximately 3 feet tall with bat-like ears and floating, gravity-defying movements.
- Despite gunfire from the witnesses, the creatures were unharmed and appeared to “float” rather than walk.
- Duration:
- The encounter spanned several hours, with the beings repeatedly approaching and retreating.
Investigation Highlights
- Police Response:
- Law enforcement found no direct evidence but noted luminous stains on the ground and marks resembling footprints.
- Neighbors also reported seeing strange lights in the sky that night.
- Project Blue Book:
- The U.S. Air Force took an interest but provided no substantial analysis or conclusions in their records.
Explanations and Theories
- Skeptical Explanations:
- Great horned owls or mass hysteria have been proposed as plausible explanations.
- Extraterrestrial Hypothesis:
- Witness descriptions align with modern depictions of extraterrestrial beings.
- The craft’s landing and the beings’ behavior suggest a possible scouting or exploratory mission.
- Historical UFO Activity:
- The incident occurred during a peak period of UFO sightings in the U.S., including events like Roswell (1947) and the Washington, D.C., UFO sightings (1952).
- Unanswered Questions:
- Was anything recovered from the gully?
- Why did Project Blue Book’s investigation appear superficial?
The Hopkinsville Goblin case remains a significant and unexplained event in UFO history. While no definitive evidence has surfaced, the consistency of eyewitness accounts and official interest raise questions about what truly transpired that night.
This one has been added as an Ukiyo A version over at Fortean Giftorium if you would like a print.