So after having a great (but exhausting) time working the Sellersburg Celebrates festival in 2 million degree heat and then having to cancel another market
Month: August 2024

#9 in the Army of Little Green Men Collection by StepBastard shows that just like us, Zeta Reticulans suffer from a little bit of hero

Getting to know the Greys through interviews and cultural exchanges in order to ensure that they were well represented in the Army of Little Green

Army of Little Green Men #6 is an All American Attitude edition. This Zeta Reticulan is flipping the bird, with both hands. There isn’t much

#5 in the Army of Little Green Men collection by StepBastard is a Zeta Reticulan with his arms raised in the traditional Victory pose. AKA

When I was first talking to the Grey Aliens that were modelling for me, one of the things they were really concerned about is the

Number 3 in the StepBastard collection “Army of Little Green Men”, is Grey Lounging. This one was inspired by a friend who is regularly getting

We interrupt our regularly scheduled art display, 3d model pitch, and alien share for a quick announcement. On Aug 25th, 2024 we will return for

Every collection starts with the base figure. This one is no different. StepBastard presents… Army of Little Green Men #2 Grey Alien in Full Lotus