This 9×12 gouache painting came to be because of a movie… Substance. The visuals were great in it and this one burned into my head.
Category: Ukiyo E

The Hopkinsville Goblins
Here is a pen and ink I did a while back of the Hopkinsville Goblins. It is 9×12 and done with fineliners on 140 lb

The Owlman of St Mawnan
pen and ink 9×12 140 wc paper I was intentional about this scene to the point that I sketched the idea, researched other drawings of

The Goatman
Pen and Ink 9×12 on 140 lb wc paper. This is an idea as old as man. If you ever see a big buck goat

This one is admittedly not a great piece. I also want to note that I don’t use color pencils other than as sketching and planning

This painting is 18×24 and done in Gouache on 140 lb watercolor paper. Imperturbable represents having peace no matter the turmoil surrounding you. In the