Owlman at St Mawnan Curch in the graveyard under a full moon his clawed hand reaching for you

pen and ink 9×12 140 wc paper

I was intentional about this scene to the point that I sketched the idea, researched other drawings of Owlman, made the robot draw it half a dozen times, read the reports, studied pics of the church and graveyard, made a cut and paste digital model in photoshop, printed it for reference, then sketched it out and inked it.

It was fun.

I decided it would be neat to share that process some, so I have a photo essay of the drawing from photoshop outlines to fully inked. At the very end you will find a link to a print in my newest offering of my art in what I am calling Ukiyo A (switched from E to A to note that it is Americanized, not woodblock printed and steals the name Ukiyo in the spirit of accessible prints and fanciful subjects of the floating world). So check that out if you would like one. They are slightly digitized from the original piece as part of my poster/ Ukiyo A process.

Cryptid Report: Owlman


  • Class: Cryptid
  • Type: Winged Humanoid
  • Region: Cornwall, United Kingdom
  • Nickname(s): The Cornish Owlman, Death Raptor

Known History and Activity

Initial Reports

  1. 1976 (Mawnan, Cornwall):
    • Two teenage sisters, June and Vicky Melling, reported seeing a “man-bird with wings and feathers” near the church in Mawnan. They described it as about 5 feet tall with glowing red eyes and sharp claws.
    • The encounter caused them great distress; their father, a vacationing scientist, cut the family’s holiday short after the event.
  2. Follow-Up Sightings:
    • A second sighting occurred later in 1976 when two young girls claimed to see the creature hovering above Mawnan Church, emitting a loud screech.
    • Witnesses consistently reported glowing red eyes, large wings, and a humanoid form.

Subsequent Sightings

  1. 1989-1995:
    • Sporadic reports surfaced, primarily from visitors or paranormal investigators, describing a similar creature near the same church or its wooded surroundings.
    • Descriptions included a tall, grey-feathered being with a humanoid body and an owl-like head.
  2. 2009:
    • Two campers in the woods near Mawnan Church reported hearing unsettling screeches and seeing a “large flying figure” darting between trees. The sighting matched previous descriptions of Owlman.

Other Reported Activity

  • Noise Reports: High-pitched screeches or whistles, occasionally described as sounding like a child crying.
  • Associated Phenomena:
    • Electronics malfunctioning near reported sightings.
    • Anomalous cold spots and a “heavy atmosphere” in the area.
    • Local folklore ties the sightings to ancient pagan rituals and ley lines, suggesting the creature may be a guardian or warning.

Official Descriptions

1. Physical Description (Amalgamated):

  • Size: 4.5–5 feet tall.
  • Head: Owl-like with large, glowing red eyes and tufts resembling ears.
  • Body: Humanoid torso, feathered, with greyish or brown coloration.
  • Wings: Large, bat-like structure extending from its shoulders, capable of silent flight.
  • Legs: Long, clawed, and bird-like.
  • Sound: Emits unsettling screeches or deep, resonant clicks.

2. Behavior:

  • Observed perching silently in trees or hovering above ground.
  • Often flees rapidly when noticed, gliding silently into the darkness.
  • Some witnesses describe a sense of dread or hypnotic effect when making eye contact.

Internet Culture Version

Owlman has taken on a life of its own in internet folklore, often blending facts with meme-worthy exaggerations. Here’s how Owlman is viewed online:


  • “The Owlmeme”: Some internet users depict Owlman as a misunderstood guardian of Cornwall, akin to Bigfoot’s whimsical cousin. Memes often show it as a shy, reclusive creature sipping tea on Cornish cliffs.
  • “Death Raptor”: Others lean into the horror aspect, portraying Owlman as a cryptid that brings death or doom to those who see it.
  • Fan Art: Depictions range from gothic horror to anime-style winged bishonen.

Popular Theories in Internet Culture:

  1. Supernatural Guardian: Linked to ancient ley lines and Mawnan Church, suggesting it’s a spirit of protection or a remnant of druidic lore.
  2. Alien Entity: Some cryptid enthusiasts claim Owlman is extraterrestrial, citing its glowing eyes and humanoid form.
  3. Hoax: Skeptics believe it was fabricated by Tony “Doc” Shiels, a magician and paranormal enthusiast who investigated the original sightings.
  4. Parallel to Mothman: Frequently compared to Mothman due to similar descriptions and association with foreboding events.

Cultural Impact:

  • Merchandise: T-shirts, stickers, and pins featuring stylized versions of Owlman are popular among cryptid fans.
  • Fanfiction and Stories: Writers online have expanded Owlman lore, creating backstories, cryptid “crossovers” with Mothman, and even romantic subplots.
  • TikTok: Some users create spooky content or mock investigations of the “Owlman woods,” blending satire with eerie atmospheres.

Skeptical Interpretations

  • Barn Owl Misidentification: The size and glowing eyes could be exaggerated sightings of large owls, such as the barn owl, which is common in Cornwall.
  • Hoax: Critics argue the sightings align too closely with Shiels’ presence in the area and his penchant for promoting the paranormal.

Owlman at St Mawnan Curch in the graveyard under a full moon his clawed hand reaching for you


Owlman remains a fascinating piece of cryptid lore, deeply rooted in Cornwall’s mystical history and enduring in internet culture. Whether a genuine paranormal entity, an elaborate hoax, or the result of misidentifications, Owlman captures the imagination of cryptid enthusiasts worldwide.

Ukiyo A print of Owlman of St Mawnan.

stepbastard pister ukiyo A owlman of st mawnan pen and ink digitized

Bring the Legend Home: Owlman at St. Mawnan

Introducing Ukiyo A, an accessible and artful way to own my pen-and-ink take on the legendary Owlman of St. Mawnan. This affordable print captures the eerie elegance of the cryptid in striking black-and-white detail, blending folklore with contemporary style.

Available in two sizes—5×7 for intimate spaces or 13×18 for a bold statement—each print is crafted to preserve the essence of the original drawing while making it accessible to all cryptid enthusiasts.

Celebrate the mysterious with Ukiyo A. Order yours today and let the Owlman haunt your collection!

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