Exploring the Stoned Ape Theory in Art This 9×12 brush pen drawing represents what I believe to be a glimpse into one of the most
Category: Religious Art
This will complete my effort to put this series up in as disorderly way as possible. Maybe next week I will behave like a normal
This one is admittedly not a great piece. I also want to note that I don’t use color pencils other than as sketching and planning
This painting is 18×24 and done in Gouache on 140 lb watercolor paper. Imperturbable represents having peace no matter the turmoil surrounding you. In the
So I got to thinking about it, and I should probably do the right thing and work these older paintings in since I have already
Way back in 2009 when I was trying to work in oil, I spent some time exploring the concept of interdependence, cycles, and the four
This is another example of a drawing prompt gone well. I almost didn’t do it, because I don’t want to do tarot cards. Nothing against
Pan’s Dance
For all of us heathens, hedonists, and other hellbound creatures; Pan or other depictions of the horned God (s) are always fun. This is especially