This page is where you can find my work out in the wild!
- I am back with an announcement.So after having a great (but exhausting) time working the Sellersburg Celebrates festival in 2 million degree heat and then having to cancel another market back in Indy due to some logistics issues, my break from the digital work is over. Now its time to dig into the 329 projects I have floating around. One of the easier ones that is a big deal is how were are selling STL files now. No, we haven’t left Cults 3D. In fact, it is currently still the only place you can purchase any of my designed files. ONE other option may
- Pop Up AnnouncementWe interrupt our regularly scheduled art display, 3d model pitch, and alien share for a quick announcement. On Aug 25th, 2024 we will return for Sellersberg Celebrates and do our first pop up In Indianapolis. So, if you have been wanting to check out the weird ass shit that I make and draw in person, this is your chance to catch me in the wild. Here is the location, date and time info that you need to find it. Aug 25 2024 11 AM to 4PM 2201 E 46th St (right by 46th and Keystone) Indianapolis Indiana Oh, I
- The Western Ohio Toy ShowWith our rapid and somewhat unplanned roll out, we have been scrambling to get on at shows. We have missed a lot of good ones due to vendor spots already being filled. We consider ourselves really lucky to get into this one on pretty short notice. Its just 5 weeks away on September 7, 2024. Here is the info you need to find us there. The Western Ohio Toy Show, a major event for toy enthusiasts, will take place on September 7, 2024, at the Preble County Fairgrounds in Eaton, Ohio. The event runs from 9 AM to 3
- Western Pennsylvania, Here I Come…There is a lot of exciting news coming down the pike in terms of getting my art out into the world. So, you will want to keep a close eye on the site for the near term at least. This announcement is a pretty good one. StepBastard is going to be a featured vendor at the WPA Cryptid and Supernatural Expo come September 28 and 29, 2024. This is probably going to be as far east as we make it this year, so if you are in the region and like Fortean Art, cryptids, 3d Print, or just want
- Down on the RiverThat probably sounds like I wrote a blues song, or maybe painted a really nice river landscape painting. Newp. Further, neither are likely to happy. Just not my thing. August 22-24, 2024 What I am going to do, is wander down to Sellersburg, Indiana on the Ohio River to take part in their annual Sellersburg Celebrates event. AND I am gonna pack up my creatures, critters, and cryptids and I am gonna bring them down with me to sell. I can’t tell you yet where exactly in Silver Creek Township Park I will be set up in (we get
- StepBastard is stepping outAs our catalogue of available 3d Prints expands, we are going to spend a little more time out in the wild, meeting people and sharing our work. On Oct 5th, will will be taking an opportunity to do just that with a focus on my work involving cryptids and monsters. Check us out if you are in the area…and be sure to stop by and say hello. Its a big red tent, so it will not be hard to find. Ohio Bigfoot Jamboree Oct 5th 2024 9am -5pmAda War Memorial Park401 N Park Dr, ADA OH 45810 Oh yeah,