Stepbastard Art

Discover the unique and imaginative work of Stepbastard, an artist exploring 3D modeling, FDM 3D printing, and various illustration techniques. Through mediums such as gouache, pen and ink, brush pens, oil, colored pencils, and digital, Stepbastard brings a diverse range of subjects to life, from cryptids and creatures to explorations of mental health, reimagined classical art, and anthropology.

  • Star of Substance
    This 9×12 gouache painting came to be because of a movie… Substance. The visuals were
  • Capelobo
    In my quest to find all the monsters, cryptids, and creatures out there…I find some
  • The Mongolian Death Worm
    8×11 gouache painting on 9×12 140 lb wc paper. This is cryptid I don’t know
  • Cernunnos Resting
    So here is the drawing that I based the Cernunnos Resting Ukiyo A print on.
  • Its the Great Pumpkin!
    This old brush pen sketch drawing of Linus and Sally running from the Great Pumpkin
  • Tinkering her Bell
    This picture and name are a great example of my creepy dad joke love. It’s
  • The Hopkinsville Goblins
    Here is a pen and ink I did a while back of the Hopkinsville Goblins.
  • Flatwoods Monster
    This model was a little ill fated. As it turns out, this was the last
  • So, what is art?
    In the midst of all the debate surrounding AI’s involvement in art, it’s clear the
  • The Owlman of St Mawnan
    pen and ink 9×12 140 wc paper I was intentional about this scene to the
  • Unknown title / sad girl
    So I ran across this pic in a folder of art images. I don’t recall
  • Date Night
    This 18×12 pen and ink drawing of Bigfoot abducting a woman was a lot of
  • Working Through It.
    I tell ya what. Reorganizing your life around and building a real business based entirely
  • A poem
    I have done the full range of work, from a full on DIY business to
  • The Nandi Bear
    This pen and ink is 9×12 and was a great deal of fun drawing. One
  • Yelling intrusive thoughts at clouds.
    I imagine you spend as much time doing it as I do. Then again, that
  • So begins 2025
    I am going to be spending a little more of my blogging energy ruminating more
  • The grey alien Vanna pose.
    When considering poses, I was caught in a cycle of pop culture from my own
  • Alabama White Thang
    9×12 pen and ink Here is another of my cryptid drawings. This one is of
  • The Goatman
    Pen and Ink 9×12 on 140 lb wc paper. This is an idea as old
  • Momento Parvum in your cup
    I bet you don’t forget to seize the day when your first sip of coffee
  • The Grey Alien booty shake
    Army of Little Green Men 10: Booty Pose is its proper name. But the sentiment
  • What ifs of legends, lore, and the like.
    This one came about as the result of a drawloween type thing a few years
  • I am back with an announcement.
    So after having a great (but exhausting) time working the Sellersburg Celebrates festival in 2
  • Grey Alien playing Air Guitar
    #9 in the Army of Little Green Men Collection by StepBastard shows that just like
  • Grey Alien Action Hero
    Number 8 in the Army of Little Green Men is another one that the Zetas
  • A Grey Alien doing the Flamenco
    Getting to know the Greys through interviews and cultural exchanges in order to ensure that
  • Grey Alien Double Bird
    Army of Little Green Men #6 is an All American Attitude edition. This Zeta Reticulan
  • Grey Alien Victory
    #5 in the Army of Little Green Men collection by StepBastard is a Zeta Reticulan
  • METAL Grey Alien
    When I was first talking to the Grey Aliens that were modelling for me, one
  • Grey Alien Lounging
    Number 3 in the StepBastard collection “Army of Little Green Men”, is Grey Lounging. This
  • Pop Up Announcement
    We interrupt our regularly scheduled art display, 3d model pitch, and alien share for a
  • Grey Alien in Full Lotus
    Every collection starts with the base figure. This one is no different. StepBastard presents… Army
  • Grey Alien Standing
    Every collection starts with the base figure. This one is no different. StepBastard presents… Army
  • Army of Little Green Men
    You didn’t read that wrong. Everyone know what Little Green Army Men are. They are
  • The Flatwoods Monster
    Gouache painting 9×12 on 140lb watercolor paper This is a fun one. Part UFO story,
  • The Western Ohio Toy Show
    With our rapid and somewhat unplanned roll out, we have been scrambling to get on
  • The Dover Demon
    Another new release! Download your Dover Demon STL file here Here is our 1:36 scale
  • Western Pennsylvania, Here I Come…
    There is a lot of exciting news coming down the pike in terms of getting
  • Bigfoot Phone Stand!
    I wanted to design and print something practical, so I looked around at what people
  • Nightmare
    Nightmare is a drawing I did with brush pens playing around with general horror ideas.
  • Squonk
    So you may remember this post from a few days ago when I hinted that
  • The Melonheads of Felt Mansion
    I found this story lumped in with cryptids…so I present it as such. It is
  • 2020- the mood
    So in middle of 2020 after being cooped up in the house for a while,
  • Source of a spring- The Squonk
    This 9×12 Brush Pen drawing is a clue as to what is coming next from
  • Madonna Schizzinosa
    Of the Madonnas I have drawn, this is probably my least favorite. I am satisfied
  • The Bunyip
    This one is obviously a more recent drawing as I have been spending a lot
  • Down on the River
    That probably sounds like I wrote a blues song, or maybe painted a really nice
  • StepBastard is stepping out
    As our catalogue of available 3d Prints expands, we are going to spend a little
  • Giant Shrimp in the Laundry Room
    Have I mentioned how much I like weird things? And Cryptids? Weird cryptids make some
  • The Rabbit – 3d Printed Model
    Of all the days I post things on the various websites I publish, my favorites
  • Premier Sourie de Madonna
    This brush pen drawing is the equivalent of a single beam of sunlight pushing through
  • Negotiations Begin
    This pen and ink drawing was inspired by a friend who draws a comic about
  • Sea Monkey Water Polo Trophy
    Starting this modelling and 3D printing journey, it did not occur to me that one
  • Sharing Discovery
    Exploring the Stoned Ape Theory in Art This 9×12 brush pen drawing represents what I
  • It will be alright
    This is another recent painting. Completed on February 14th, strangely enough it had nothing to
  • The Hodag!
    When I started working on 3D modelling, I had a lot of ideas about what
  • Snallygaster
    The Snallygaster is another new cryptid for me. My first thoughts were that it was
  • Interdependence 4: In four parts
    This will complete my effort to put this series up in as disorderly way as
  • Shirime
    I wanted to do something a little different than the Cryptid kick I have been
  • Akuma to Notatakai 
    This one is admittedly not a great piece. I also want to note that I
  • El Chupacabra!
    Introducing the newest edition to the Stepbastard’s 3d Models. Chupacabra! One of the most erroneously
  • Interdependence 2: Reality, Phenomena, and Life.
    This piece of the Interdependence series was an effort to take the image portrayed in
  • Tree Fiddy – Loch Ness Monster
    It occurred to me that here I was, saying I was making cryptids and somehow
  • Flight of Icarus/Fall of Eddie
    During the pandemic I was doing a lot of drawings and frequently asked for cues
  • The Feejee Mermaid
    Once again PT Barnum has shown his face in the midst of my work. I
  • Imperturbable
    This painting is 18×24 and done in Gouache on 140 lb watercolor paper. Imperturbable represents
  • Interdependence 1: The overview
    So I got to thinking about it, and I should probably do the right thing
  • shattered
    I don’t need to tell you that this one is from a time where emotions
  • Pen and Brush Organizer.
    Remember when I was talking about 3d Printing being for useful things that are not
  • The Goatman
    Pen and Ink 9×12 on 140 lb watercolor paper. Sometimes when I draw monsters and
  • Interdependence 3: The Big Picture
    Way back in 2009 when I was trying to work in oil, I spent some
  • King Buzzo of the Melvins
    Of the music shows I have gone to, there is probably only one performer that
  • Tarot
    This is another example of a drawing prompt gone well. I almost didn’t do it,
  • Tulip- an honesty cryptocurrency
    Full Disclosure. I am still broke…and people who invested in cryptocurrencies have made a ton
  • The Goze
    This painting is another from my series inspired by Ukiyo E prints. It is an
  • Pan’s Dance
    For all of us heathens, hedonists, and other hellbound creatures; Pan or other depictions of
  • The Dead Rise
    9×12 Brush Pen on paper This drawing was one I did for one of the
  • Harmonious Boosh
    This colored pencil piece is a perennially unfinished work. Hopefully I will one day have
  • Lugus
    Drawing and painting figures from various world religions can be fraught with peril. I try
  • 3D Printing as a Solution
    If you start looking into 3D printing on the internet, you would be excused for
  • The Mothman
    Discover the mystique of Point Pleasant with our beautifully crafted 3D-printed Mothman figure. Whether you’re
  • Socializing
    I did this one back in 2009. Smart phones were still pretty new, and while
  • The Ballerina
    Here is one that didn’t turn out as hoped. I really ate it on the
  • One Cool Crow
    This Pen and Ink drawing was done with a variety of different black and white
  • Is it still sexy?
    This 18×24 gouache painting is another I did in my series honoring the Ukiyo E
  • Giant Space Flea
    So I mentioned before how much I like to make monsters by anthropomorphizing animals. Well,
  • Lamore d’Madonna
    Lamore d’Madonna. Love of the mother. This oil is 20×30 and was one of the
  • Momentum Parvum
    My bad translation is time is short, the more accurate one is a small moment.
  • Sparrow and Cherry Blossom
    This painting is from a series of paintings I did paying homage to the Ukiyo
  • Black Cat
    Just a black cat drawn with ball point pen, from a photo of my wife’s
  • The Glory of A’Kir
    This was so much fun to draw, and I hope one day the story that
  • Helga S
    20×24 Oil on Canvas board of a woman in the throws of passion. This piece
  • Crane
    This drawing is one I was really happy with when I did it. Mainly because
  • MU
    This painting is the 8th in a series I did of Ukiyo E inspired paintings.
  • Bigfoot walking
    Introducing the newest 3d print creation from the StepBastard. A miniature of the Sasquatch taking
  • Umidebito
    I did this particular drawing while participating in a Drawlloween prompt challenge. I had gotten
  • Derpy Demon Dog
    Do you ever get tired of tropes and stereotypes? I do. When I do, I
  • The FeeJee Mermaid
    When I talk about things that are fun to draw, it usually comes down to
  • Nosferatu Stalking
    This painting came from a couple of different rooms in the sanitarium I call my

More 3D Printed Art or Illustration

Explore a selection of Stepbastard’s work, featuring a mix of 3D models and illustrations. Each piece showcases a dedication to craftsmanship and a fascination with diverse subjects and artistic styles.

Stepbastard is an artist who enjoys blending different art forms and themes to create thought-provoking works. With an interest in the unknown and the surreal, Stepbastard’s art often delves into the realms of cryptids, creatures, and creepy critters; exploring mental health, offering a fresh perspective on classical art, anthropology, and Buddhist concepts. Each piece is an invitation to explore the unusual and the familiar in new and unexpected ways.

Stepbastard offers custom 3D modeling, commissioned illustrations, and 3D printed creations. Previous work is available through the resources on our shop page.

For collaborations, commissions, or inquiries, reach out to Stepbastard via our contact page. Let’s discuss your ideas and create something meaningful together.

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