Do you ever get tired of tropes and stereotypes? I do. When I do, I make fun of them.
Being a veteran of the Navy, one of my favorite targets is Marines. Jarheads. Floating Bellhops. You know the guys in the pretty uniforms that like portraying themselves as DEVIL DOGS.
So one day I was goofin about that, and thinking about how brilliant the average Marine mind is. From those thoughts came the Derpy Devil Dog.
Its a funny sketch. Most of the Marines I know loved it and thought it was hilarious.
I went a little further and made a shirt of it to sell. It looked like this.
What I quickly found out was that the United States Marine Corps does not have the same sense of humor as your average Marine. I received the FASTEST take down notice I have ever gotten… I mean these guys were on it even faster than Disney’s goon squad.
What is crazy….is my understanding is that The Marines can’t really own a copywrite. Anything the Government owns is owned by the people. You can legally publish and sell any government text you want as long as it isn’t classified.
Regardless, my POD publisher wont touch it now because the Marines are a bunch of whiny chumps…
on top of being Derpy Dogs.