When I talk about things that are fun to draw, it usually comes down to things that really spark my imagination. This is another one that hit several notes I like to hear in the muses song.

The Feejee Mermaid was a great humbug created by the illustrious PT Barnum. I don’t recall if he had it made or if he found it for sale by some lesser con man…but he new opportunity when he saw it.

Without going on too long about this portion of the background of this drawing, he basically went around the country charging people to look at a mummified monkey that had been sewed to a fish tail. Here is a copy of that piece.

Feejee Mermaid

So the story and creature has cryptids, cons, faked taxidermy, and all the weirdness a growing boy needs. Who can resist all of that. So I drew the above picture.

To fully honor PT Barnum, I did the right thing and came up with a way to sell that thing… and put it on a teeshirt that mimicked one of his old adds. Honor him with me and…

Come one, come all, get your FeeJee Mermaid Tee HERE!

feejee mermaid tee
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