I am going to be spending a little more of my blogging energy ruminating more than working to grow the site as far as StepBastard is concerned.
The other sites can focus on my various agenda. This one needs to be what it is.
And I have decided to make it exactly that.
So fair warning.
May art has always been a little on the weird side. The imagery has always been a bit on the aggressive side. That will likely be more of a thing. This page may also become quite a bit more graphic. Any page that does will get a nsfw tag on it so your boss doesn’t shitcan you.
The best part of this from my point of view is that I am going to publicly unmask for the first time ever. I am who I am and I really don’t give a fuck if you like it or not.
That said, please like all my other stuff. HAHAHAHA.
Seriously, it is about leaning into accepting being a StepBastard either way. So just be you.
I hope you enjoy the trip.