
This one is a pen and ink drawing (water color brush pens) that I did a while back. As I continue to put these up you will find a couple of recurring themes that this drawing is indicative of. Monsters and Dungeons and Dragons. I separated them rather than saying Dungeons and Dragons Monsters because they will not always be mutually inclusive. Both are interests of mine and offer themselves as a muse of sorts.

For those less than familiar with DND or the monster manual. Here is how a web scraping defines a Beholder.

In the Dungeons & Dragons universe, a beholder is a fearsome and iconic aberration, known for its spherical body, numerous eyestalks, and central eye. Here’s a description of a beholder:

Appearance: A beholder is a large, grotesque creature resembling a floating orb, roughly ten feet in diameter. Its body is covered in tough, wrinkled skin, often mottled with various shades of purples, grays, and browns. Atop the spherical body are ten eye stalks, each ending in a unique and deadly eye. These eyes can vary in size, shape, and coloration, ranging from fiery red to sickly yellow. At the center of the beholder’s body is a large, bloodshot central eye, which glows with an eerie, malevolent light. Its gaping maw is lined with razor-sharp teeth, capable of tearing through flesh with ease.

Abilities: Beholders possess an array of powerful abilities, making them formidable adversaries in combat. These include:

  • Eye Rays: Each of the beholder’s ten eye stalks can unleash a different magical ray, capable of inflicting various effects on its enemies. These effects range from petrification and disintegration to charm and fear.
  • Antimagic Cone: The central eye emits a powerful antimagic field, nullifying magical effects and abilities within its cone-shaped area of effect.
  • Levitation: Beholders can hover effortlessly above the ground, allowing them to move freely through the air and survey their surroundings.
  • Telekinesis: They possess potent telekinetic abilities, which they often use to manipulate objects or hurl debris at their enemies.
  • Fear Aura: Beholders emit an aura of fear, instilling terror in those who dare to face them in combat.

Behavior: Beholders are highly intelligent and supremely arrogant creatures, often considering themselves to be the pinnacle of creation. They are fiercely territorial and will defend their lairs with deadly force against any intruders. Beholders are also incredibly paranoid, constantly plotting and scheming to eliminate potential threats to their power. They are known to be solitary creatures, preferring to dwell alone in the depths of dark, underground caverns or hidden lairs.

Encountering a beholder is a harrowing experience for even the most seasoned adventurers, as they must contend with its formidable array of magical abilities and cunning intellect. Only the bravest and most skilled heroes dare to face these monstrous aberrations and emerge victorious.

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