A piece inspired by a photo I took of one of my favorite walking trails. Here is a little narrative to flavor the image.

In the heart of the dense, shadowy woods, where the veil between worlds grows thin, a figure emerges from the mist, cloaked in darkness and mystery. Her steps are silent, yet the forest seems to whisper secrets of her presence as she moves with an otherworldly grace.

The witch, a solitary silhouette against the moonlit canopy, navigates the twisting paths with an air of ancient knowledge and primal power. Her eyes, pools of darkness beneath the brim of her wide-brimmed hat, gleam with an eerie luminescence that pierces through the night.

Above her, a solitary owl glides with silent wings, its golden eyes fixed upon the witch below. With each flap of its feathers, it casts a haunting shadow upon the forest floor, as if guiding her through the labyrinthine depths of the woodland realm.

The air is heavy with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves, mingling with the heady aroma of arcane herbs and incense carried by the witch’s passing. Strange whispers drift on the wind, carrying echoes of forgotten spells and ancient curses that stir the very soul.

As she moves deeper into the heart of the woods, the darkness seems to swell around her, enveloping her in a shroud of mystery and magic. Yet, she walks undaunted, her every step a testament to her unyielding will and unwavering connection to the forces of nature.

In the embrace of the night, where mortal fears take root and nightmares come to life, the witch and her owl companion continue their silent journey, bound together by a timeless bond that transcends the boundaries of the mundane world. And as they disappear into the depths of the enchanted forest, their presence lingers like a ghostly whisper, leaving behind a lingering sense of unease and wonder in their wake.

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